MMAOddsbreaker Staff Picks: UFC Fight Night 129 has returned for 2018 and just like last year, we’re keeping a running tally of our staff’s fight picks for all major mixed martial arts (MMA) has returned for 2018 and just like last year, we’re keeping a running tally of our staff’s fight picks for all major mixed martial arts (MMA) events.

After 13 events thus far, we have quite a battle brewing for the top spot. James Lynch remains in first place with an overall picks score of 96-54 (64%). Brian Hemminger and Robert Doxtator are currently tied for second place and only three spots behind, each with a picks score of 93-57. Rounding out the top three spots, Brad Wharton is sitting just six spots back from the lead with a picks score of 90-60.

There were four unanimous picks out of 13 fights in total for UFC Fight Night 129 (Felipe Silva, Enrique Barzola, Gabriel Benitez and Andrea Lee).

Without further ado: UFC Fight Night 129 – Santiago, Chile

UFN 129 G. Killian K. Marley J. Lynch B. Taschuk B. Hemminger N. Kalikas J. Primetown B. Wharton R. Doxtator
Fight #1 Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva
Fight #2 Briones Briones Saenz Saenz Saenz Saenz Saenz Saenz Saenz
Fight #3 Barzola Barzola Barzola Barzola Barzola Barzola Barzola Barzola Barzola
Fight #4 Benitez Benitez Benitez Benitez Benitez Benitez Benitez Benitez Benitez
Fight #5 Kondo Botelho Botelho Botelho Botelho Botelho Kondo Kondo Botelho
Fight #6 Moreno Pantoja Moreno Pantoja Pantoja Pantoja Pantoja Pantoja Moreno
Fight #7 Prazeres Cummings Cummings Prazeres Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings
Fight #8 Luque Luque Luque Luque Luque Luque Luque Luque Laprise
Fight #9 Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee
Fight #10 Cannetti Cannetti Rivas Rivas Rivas Cannetti Cannetti Rivas Rivas
Fight #11 Reyes Reyes Reyes Cannonier Reyes Reyes Reyes Reyes Reyes
Fight #12 Suarez Suarez Suarez Suarez Suarez Suarez Suarez Suarez Grasso
Fight #13  Usman Usman Usman Usman Usman Usman Usman Usman Maia
 Last Event  10-3  8-5  8-5  8-5  7-6  5-8  9-4  8-5  9-4
 2018 Record  87-63  81-69  96-54  88-62  93-57  88-62  89-61  90-60  93-57

2018 Results

UFC 224
UFC Fight Night 128
UFConFOX 29 
UFC 223 
UFC Fight Night 127
UFC 222
UFC Fight Night 126
UFC 221
UFC Fight Night 125
UFC 220
UFC Fight Night 124

Final Results 2017 -Winner: Nick Kalikas

Final Results 2016 -Winner: Nick Kalikas 

Final Results 2015 – Winner: Brad Taschuk

Final Results 2014 -Winner: James Lynch 

Written by Staff

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MMAOddsBreaker Link Round-up – UFC Fight Night 129

UFC Fight Night 129 Closing Odds and Results